Oral Surgery


At Green Leaf Dental Care, our dedicated team of dentists strives to preserve your natural teeth whenever possible. However, there are cases where extractions become necessary due to severe decay or advanced periodontal disease. We understand that extractions can be a daunting prospect, but rest assured that our skilled professionals perform these procedures with precision and care. Whether it's a malformed tooth, a damaged tooth, an impacted tooth, or an ingrown tooth, we approach every extraction as a surgical procedure. Depending on the specific tooth being removed, we can discuss options for tooth replacement, such as dental implants or oral prosthetics, to restore your smile.

Frequently Asked Questions about Extractions

  • Do I need my tooth extracted?

    • During a comprehensive examination, our experienced dentist will assess the condition of your tooth and explore all possible avenues for saving or repairing it. In certain situations, however, an extraction may be the only viable solution to address the dental issue effectively.

  • What should I expect during an extraction procedure?

    • During the extraction procedure, our dentist will ensure your comfort by numbing the area around the tooth with a local anesthetic. While you may feel pressure during the extraction process, you should not experience any pain. Please communicate any discomfort immediately to your dentist, and they will make adjustments to ensure your comfort throughout the procedure.

  • How long is the healing process?

    • Following the extraction, you will be provided with a piece of gauze to bite down on, which helps control bleeding. It is normal to experience slight bleeding for up to 24 hours after the surgery. Over the course of approximately two weeks, the extraction site will gradually close up as part of the natural healing process.

At Green Leaf Dental Care, we prioritize your well-being and ensure that you receive the highest standard of care during extractions and throughout the healing process. Our compassionate team is here to address any concerns or questions you may have, guiding you towards a successful recovery.


We offer state-of-the-art dental implants that replicate the form and function of natural teeth. Your natural tooth consists of a crown, the visible part responsible for chewing food and vulnerable to cavities, and a root that anchors the tooth to the jawbone. In cases where decay has extensively damaged the tooth or advanced periodontal disease necessitates extraction, the entire tooth, including the root, is carefully removed. To restore your smile, we replace the missing tooth with a titanium root, known as a dental implant, which is securely placed in a socket we create in your jaw. Once the root has fully healed, we affix a custom-made artificial crown on top, meticulously matched to your bite and the color of your existing teeth.

Discover the Advantages of Dental Implants

  • Natural Appearance and Function: Dental implants closely resemble natural teeth in both appearance and functionality, seamlessly blending with your smile. You can confidently eat, speak, and laugh, knowing that your dental implant will provide a natural-looking and reliable solution.

  • Long-lasting Durability: With proper care, dental implants have the potential to last a lifetime. Our team will provide you with comprehensive guidance on maintaining your dental implants to ensure their longevity and optimal oral health.

  • Freedom from Adhesives: Unlike other tooth replacement options, dental implants eliminate the need for messy adhesives. Your implant is securely anchored in your jaw, providing stability and comfort without the hassle of adhesives.

  • Enhanced Aesthetics, Comfort, and Speech: Dental implants not only restore your smile but also improve your overall appearance, comfort, and speech. You can regain your confidence and enjoy the full functionality of your teeth with dental implants.

  • Improved Eating Experience: Dental implants restore your ability to bite and chew with ease, allowing you to enjoy your favorite foods without limitations. Experience the joy of eating without worrying about loose or uncomfortable prosthetics.