Restorative Care


At Green Leaf Dental Care, we understand the importance of preserving your oral health and addressing any cosmetic concerns. One of the key methods we employ is the placement of dental fillings. These fillings serve a dual purpose: preventing the spread of tooth decay and correcting any aesthetic damage.

Before the filling is placed, our skilled dentists will carefully remove any decayed portions of the tooth. This process ensures that the filling can effectively restore the tooth's structure and function. To ensure your utmost comfort during the procedure, we offer local anesthesia and sedation options.

When it comes to fillings, we offer two types: amalgam, also known as silver fillings, and composite resin. Amalgam fillings are made of a mixture of silver, copper, mercury, and tin. They provide exceptional durability and are a cost-effective option for our patients. On the other hand, composite resin fillings offer the advantage of customization. Their color can be matched to the natural shade of your teeth, ensuring a seamless and aesthetically pleasing result.

Our team of experts will guide you in selecting the most suitable filling material based on your individual needs and preferences. We are dedicated to preserving your oral health and restoring your smile with the highest level of care. Experience the exceptional dental services at Green Leaf Dental Care and achieve a healthy, beautiful smile.

Crowns, Bridges, & Veneers

Crowns and bridges are custom-fitted tooth prosthetics designed to resemble natural, healthy teeth in both appearance and functionality. Crowns, also known as caps, are meticulously crafted to fit your bite and are placed over your natural tooth or dental implant. This procedure is recommended for patients with intact teeth that may have surface damage or decay. Our process involves reducing the problematic tooth for a precise crown fit, taking an impression of your bite for fabrication, customizing the color of porcelain prosthetics, fitting you with a temporary crown until the permanent one is ready, and finally, the placement of your permanent crown.

When a missing tooth is surrounded by decayed or heavily filled teeth, or if the tooth has been missing for a prolonged period with associated gum recession, bridges offer an excellent alternative to dental implants. We offer different types of bridges to suit your specific needs:

  • Traditional bridges: These involve the bonding of caps to teeth on either side of the missing tooth, providing stable and functional support.

  • Cantilever bridges: This type of bridge utilizes a cap bonded to a single adjacent tooth next to the missing tooth, serving as support.

  • Resin-bonded bridges: These bridges consist of porcelain or plastic teeth supported by metal "wings" that attach to neighboring teeth with minimal alteration.

For those seeking a non-invasive cosmetic solution to correct or enhance the appearance of one or more teeth, veneers are an excellent choice. Veneers are thin shells made of porcelain or resin, which can be customized in color and shape. They are particularly effective in addressing various dental issues such as chipped or broken teeth, misshapen or irregular teeth, and teeth that do not respond to traditional whitening treatments. Veneers offer a long-lasting and stain-resistant solution, allowing you to achieve a beautiful and confident smile.


Missing teeth not only impact your appearance, but they can also affect your overall well-being, leading to a sunken appearance and difficulty with eating. At Green Leaf Dental Care, we offer denture solutions that address both cosmetic concerns and promote your overall oral health. Depending on the extent of tooth loss, we provide options for partial or full dentures, tailored to your specific needs and preferences. During your consultation, our experienced team will carefully evaluate your situation and guide you in selecting the most suitable option.

  • Partial Dentures: For individuals missing only a few teeth in a row, partial dentures offer an ideal solution. These dentures are designed to attach to the remaining gum line and any intact adjacent teeth, providing stability and functionality. Even if you have only one remaining tooth on your dental arch, a partial denture can still be an excellent choice, as it can effectively anchor to the natural tooth, restoring your smile with confidence.

  • Complete Dentures: When your dental arch no longer has any teeth, complete dentures become the optimal solution. We offer traditional complete dentures that securely latch onto the gum line, providing support and restoring your ability to speak and chew. Alternatively, you may opt for dentures anchored by dental implants for enhanced stability. While implant-supported dentures require a surgical procedure, they offer the best hold and a more natural feel. Our skilled dentists will discuss all the details, ensuring you have a comprehensive understanding of the options available, allowing you to make an informed decision that aligns with your needs and preferences.

Root Canals

Root canal treatment is a vital procedure used to repair and preserve severely decayed or infected teeth. When the pulp inside a tooth becomes damaged or infected, a root canal becomes necessary to prevent the infection from spreading further and potentially leading to the extraction of the entire tooth.

During a root canal treatment, our skilled dentists perform several essential steps. First, they create an access hole in the affected tooth, allowing them to carefully clean and disinfect the root canals. Afterward, the canals are filled with a biocompatible material to provide stability and prevent reinfection. Finally, a filling is placed to seal the access hole, restoring the tooth's strength and function.

Common causes for needing a root canal treatment include tooth decay and dental injuries. By undergoing a root canal procedure, you can enjoy the following benefits:

  • Preservation of natural tooth: Root canal treatment allows for the preservation of your natural tooth, avoiding the need for extraction. Keeping your natural teeth is important for maintaining proper oral function and aesthetics.

  • Protection of adjacent teeth: By saving the affected tooth with a root canal, you prevent excessive wear or strain on neighboring teeth, ensuring they remain healthy and intact.

  • Efficient chewing: Restoring the health of the affected tooth through a root canal enables you to chew and bite effectively, improving your overall ability to enjoy a varied diet.

At Green Leaf Dental Care, our experienced team is committed to providing you with the highest quality root canal treatments. We understand the importance of preserving your natural teeth and will ensure your comfort throughout the procedure. Schedule an appointment today to receive personalized care and regain a healthy, pain-free smile.

Nitrous Oxide

At Green Leaf Dental Care, your comfort is our top priority, which is why we offer Nitrous Oxide to help you feel more at ease during your dental appointments. Nitrous oxide, commonly known as "laughing gas," is a safe and effective sedative agent that can greatly enhance your dental experience.

Administered through a small mask that fits comfortably over your nose, nitrous oxide is mixed with oxygen and inhaled during your treatment. This gentle sedative induces a state of relaxation and calmness, helping to alleviate any anxiety or nervousness you may feel.

The benefits of Nitrous Oxide include:

  • Safety: Nitrous oxide has been used in dentistry for decades and is considered a safe sedative option. Our experienced dental professionals will carefully monitor your nitrous oxide levels throughout the procedure to ensure your utmost safety.

  • Effectiveness: Nitrous oxide is known for its ability to induce a pleasant and relaxed sensation, reducing dental anxiety and allowing you to remain calm and comfortable during your treatment. It can help alleviate feelings of fear or unease, making your dental visit a more positive experience.

  • Customizable Experience: The level of nitrous oxide can be easily adjusted to suit your specific needs. Our dental team will work closely with you to determine the ideal level of sedation that ensures your comfort and relaxation throughout the procedure.

If you have any concerns or would like to explore the option of nitrous oxide sedation, we encourage you to discuss it with our knowledgeable dental professionals. We will evaluate your individual needs and help determine whether nitrous oxide would be a suitable and beneficial choice for your dental care.