Dental Emergencies: What Should You Do?

Dental Emergencies: What to do?

Injuries and emergencies are a part of life, and unfortunately apart of your mouth too. Many people experience instances of broken teeth, knocking out a tooth, having extreme pain and so on. This can come from a direct impact injury or just tooth decay in general. Regardless of how it happens, it is still an emergency and we are here to help you.

There are many types of tooth injuries with a lot of different symptoms, so addressing all of them can be extensive, but we will cover a few general emergencies here and give you some of our tips to aid in recovery until your appointment. 

Immediately if you are experiencing a dental emergency, you should always contact your dentist for help. We will be able to answer any question you may have and help you in coming to a quick solution. You can contact us for any emergency at 636-671-0102 or email us at

 Following your contact with us, you should act quickly based on your situation. 

If you have a broken tooth…

  • Clean the area gently with warm water.

  • Apply a cold compress to your face to reduce swelling.

  • Collect pieces of the tooth if at all possible. Sometimes a tooth can be saved in certain situations.

  • Protect the tooth from exposure by covering it with a sterile gauze.

If you have a tooth get knocked out…

  • Locate the tooth and handle it by the crown only, not the roots. 

  • Rinse off the missing tooth with water, not scrubbing it. We want to be gentle with the tooth to keep tissues intact. 

  • Store tooth in warm water with a pinch of salt or in a cup of milk to keep it “alive” for as long as possible. 

  • Immediately, make your way to your dentist or the emergency room within an hour of the tooth loss to see if there is any way to have the tooth saved.

If you have a tooth that is cracked…

  • Rinse the area with warm water to ensure it stays clean.

  • Apply a cold compress to your face to reduce swelling. 

 If you are experiencing severe toothaches…

  • Carefully rinse your mouth with warm water to keep the area clean.

  • Floss gently around affected teeth to remove anything that may be lodged between teeth.

  • If you are experiencing swelling, apply cold compresses to reduce inflammation. 

  • Rotate between over the counter pain medications like Ibuprofen and Tylenol to aid in the pain relief.

If any of these dental emergencies occur or anything else affecting your mouth, don’t be scared or nervous. Green Leaf Dental Care is here to help you in these instances, and we are trained thoroughly on fixing issues like these. Never let fear keep you from asking for help in dental emergencies. Failing to seek treatment can result in more extensive and costly dental care in the future, so we want to avoid that by acting quickly. 

Green Leaf Dental Care is always here to help in any dental emergency. Contact us and our team will best assess and get you the help you need immediately. 

Green Leaf Dental Care 


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