COVID-19 Vaccine

The Latest on the COVID-19 Vaccine:

COVID-19 Vaccinations are a hot topic right now. Majority of healthcare workers, educators, and essential employees have received it, so now it is the publics turn. There are many questions people have and a negative perspective in the vaccine, but science really created something wonderful and we want to boost your outlook on it. Our staff has had both of the doses and are willing to help you answer any questions you may have about the process and what they experienced. 

Recently, the American Dental Association partnered with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to increase vaccine confidence during the public’s biggest health opportunity of our time. The ADA’s main goals are to inform patients and the public of the benefits of the vaccine, to protect, and to ultimately aid in the ending of COVID-19. 

To help increase our patient’s confidence and knowledge of the vaccine, the ADA created a “Vaccine Toolkit” for us to use to help answer and dispel any questions, concerns, and hesitations you may be facing when contemplating receiving the vaccine. This toolkit includes frequently asked questions, take home fact sheets, statistics, and so much more. 

Though this toolkit may be intended for staff use to prepare themselves to help you, Green Leaf Dental Care wants to share a bit of it with you.

Above are two of the many fact sheets the ADA has provided for dental offices to educate their patients. One shares many of the popular myths of the vaccine and the other addresses pregnancy and the vaccine

We want to assure you that the vaccination shouldn’t be a scary topic, but something to get excited about! Modern science is amazing and can help save many from getting the virus and ultimately end it completely. Health and safety have been a top priority at Green Leaf Dental Care during this pandemic and we plan to continue taking our precautions till COVID-19 is finally over and we can return to our once “normal” lives. 

Green Leaf Dental Care


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